Transforming Latin America into the continent of solar energy is the main goal of the América do Sol Program, an initiative of the Institute for the Development of Alternative Energies in Latin America (IDEAL) with support from the German Cooperation for Sustainable Development, through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the German KfW development bank, and the PV Group of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

The actions of the América do Sol Program, started in 2010, involving the dissemination of information through educational materials and promotional events, among other means; in discussions stimulus to create general conditions that include solar energy and encouraging the use of initiatives of photovoltaic (PV) integrated into the buildings, through the projects Stadiums Solar and Solar Roofs.

In 2010, it launched the online knowledge portal – – followed by other free dissemination tools such as print and digital booklets (2011 and 2013) and a video animation (2011).

The program also included support for technical studies for private companies and governments, such as technical feasibility to all stages of the World Cup 2014 and the participation in the public consultation of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) for the creation of the System Energy compensation ( net metering ), which culminated in the publication of the rules Resolution 482/2012.

The Solar Simulator, launched in 2013, is an innovative online tool resulting from the program. It allows any consumer to calculate a PV system connected to the network to meet the energy demand of a building, whether home or business ( The simulator, the user can also access an online registry of companies that operate in the Brazilian market (, which already has more than 900 entries.

Two other important initiatives within the framework of the program were the creations of the Solar Seal and Solar Fund. The first is a certification granted to companies, public and private institutions and owners of buildings that consume a minimum annual amount of electricity coming from solar source, launched in partnership with the Chamber of Electric Energy Commercialization (CCEE). The second is the result of a partnership with the German Grüner Strom Label (GSL), which offers financial support to install microgenerators PV with a capacity of up to 5 kW. Also part of the “America of the Sun”, the project 50 roofs, run in 25 Brazilian cities by companies in the PV industry who were responsible for the installation of at least 50 PV roof (or 100 kWp power) in each municipality until the end of 2015.

The activities of the program also include general guidance on the use of PV generation with telephone service, digital or participation in events. In 2014, the program received the Energy Globe Award Brazil, Austrian award for projects in the renewable energy delivered in 165 countries (, and a partnership was signed with the Organization of Latin American Energy (OLADE).

With such actions, the Ideal Institute and its partners hope to contribute to that in the near future, the solar PV grid connected power is widely known and used in Brazil and and throughout Latin America.

IDEALThe Institute for Alternative Energy Development in Latin America (IDEAL) is a nonprofit organization created in 2007 with the purpose of promoting renewable energy with governments, parliaments, academia and industry, enabling the creation of a political integration and regional development that includes alternative energy sources in the energy matrix of Latin American countries. The executive board consists of: Mauro Passos (chairman) and teachers Ricardo Rüther and John Tavares Pinho.

Since its creation, the Instituto Ideal has participated and conducted events related to the subject, and has held a number of partnerships in order to achieve its goal. Among the main ones are: partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), KfW, the Mercosur Parliament, Formación Center for la Regional Integration (CEFIR), Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE), Photovoltaic Group UFSC and the Regional Workshop Science for Latin America and the Caribbean of UNESCO.

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gizProven knowledge on the regions in which it operates, great expertise and extensive practical experience in management are the essence of the services offered by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. In the German federal government enterprise status, the GIZ offers its customers efficient solutions to achieve their goals in international cooperation for sustainable development.

The GIZ takes into account the political, economic, social and environmental aspects to provide their services for sustainable development ensuring they are oriented according to demand, tailored and effective. The GTZ works holistically and based on solid values to make changes along with its partners, which supports the local, regional, national and international levels in solving strategic problems and achieving their political objectives.

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Inspiration bank of the Federal Republic of Germany, KfW has the German Federation and the German states as partners. With nearly 60 offices around the world, in Brazil, KfW operates under the Brazil-Germany Cooperation Officer, since 2007, has renewable energy and energy efficiency as one of the approaches. KfW supports partners in developing and implementing programs with long-term financing at subsidized rates. Currently, the global climate protection is one of the main operational focus of the bank, which paid out nearly 20 billion euros in projects to combat climate change in Germany and abroad in 2009, making it the largest investor bank in this area in world.

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grupo fotovoltaica ufscO Grupo de Pesquisa Estratégica em Energia Solar da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – FOTOVOLTAICA-UFSC, ou FV-UFSC – desenvolve estudos nas diversas áreas de aplicação da energia solar no Brasil, com foco principal em sistemas fotovoltaicos integrados ao entorno construído e interligados à rede elétrica pública, os chamados Edifícios Solares Fotovoltaicos.

Os Edifícios Solares Fotovoltaicos integram à sua fachada e/ou cobertura módulos solares que geram, de forma descentralizada e junto ao ponto de consumo, energia elétrica pela conversão direta da luz do sol e servem ao mesmo tempo como material de revestimento destas fachadas e coberturas. Sistemas deste tipo injetam na rede elétrica pública qualquer excedente de energia gerado e, por outro lado, utilizam a rede elétrica como backup quando a quantidade de energia gerada não é suficiente para atender a instalação consumidora. Nas próximas décadas, milhares de habitantes de centros urbanos em todo o mundo irão utilizar esta que é uma das mais elegantes formas de geração de energia elétrica: os telhados e as fachadas solares dos Edifícios Solares Fotovoltaicos.


Editorial project and content
Paula Scheidt and Andressa Braun

Design and Programming
Andrezza Nascimento e InCuca Tecnologia

Carol Rivello e AP303

Credits are individually identified next to each image. Mainly sourcers: Instituto Ideal, Soninha Vil, Grupo Fotovoltaica UFSC and royalty free images by SXC – Robert Michie, Auro Queiroz, Nick Bradsworth, Cris Watk e Nicholas Sales. Images in the homepage are from America do Sol Institutional Video, produced by Todd Southgate.

Solar Simulator Solar and Providers Map
Conception: Paula Scheidt e Ramses Bermudez
Programming – Ramses Bermudez
Technical Revision: Alexandre Montenegro, Dr. Johannes Kissel, Peter Krenz, Dr. Ricardo Rüther and Grupo Fotovoltaica UFSC

If you are a journalist and need help on any story about solar photovoltaic energy, get in touch with our communication officer – Andressa Braun:
T: 48 3234-1757
You can access our press release by clicking here.

CGEE. Estudo prospectivo para Energia Fotovoltaica. Brasília: Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos. 2008.

EPIA. Global Market Outlook for photovoltaics until 2014. Brussels: European Photovoltaic Industry Association. Maio/2010. Disponível para download em

REVISTA PHOTON. São Francisco: Photon USA Corp. fev/2010.

REN21. Renewables Global Status Report (Paris: REN21 Secretariat). Disponível para download em

Rüther, Ricardo. Edifícios solares fotovoltaicos: O potencial da geração solar fotovoltaica integrada a edificações urbanas e interligada à rede elétrica pública no Brasil. Florianópolis: LABSOLAR, 2004