Acronym for Building Integrated Photovoltaics, or PV Energy integrated the Buildings. The term refers to specific technologies that can be integrated into buildings, often to replace conventional materials.

Elementary device specifically developed to perform the direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy.

Converts solar warmth into heat through the use of infrared radiation.

Direct conversion of light energy (visible spectrum) into electrical energy. The photovoltaic cell is the element which performs this conversion.

A feed-in is an adoption of renewable energy incentive mechanism through the creation of a law that requires regional and national utilities to buy renewable electricity at above market values, set by the government.

The term ‘Photovoltaic’ is a connection of two words: – Photo, which has its roots in the Greek language and means “light” and – Voltaic, which comes from ‘volt’ which is the unit for measuring the electrical potential.

Acronym in Portuguese for Renewable Energy Sources.

Substances which, when heated or combined with other materials, are able to conduct electricity. Semiconductor photovoltaic cells are, for example, silicon, cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper diselenide (CIS).

Basic unit that consists of a set of solar cells electrically interconnected and encapsulated in order to generate electricity.

System to encourage renewable sources that allows the generator owner inject into the grid the energy that is not consumed in the building where the system is installed. When this occurs, consumers receive credit for the energy delivered to the network, which will be converted to a discount on the electricity bill in the coming months.

The term refers to systems not connected to the network, for example, installed in some rural electrification projects difficult to access.

One or more electrically interconnected photovoltaic modules, assembled to form a single structure.

The installed capacity is measured in Wp (Watt peak) and refers to the nominal power on standard test conditions – 1000W / m2 / year, 25 C, 1.5 AM. For ease of reading, the texts contained in the América do Sol Program site it chose to omit the “p” symbol for “peak”. When you see W, kW, MW or GW, the reader should interpret as Wp, kWp or MWp GWp.

Abbreviation for the word ‘photovoltaic’.

It is a way of coming energy transfer from the Sun, through the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

SFCR is an acronym in Portuguese for Photovoltaic System Connected to the Network.